Everything really is bigger in Texas, as my parents found out when they moved to Houston from Kansas in early November. Since moving, my mom - who openly admits that navigation isn’t her strongest suit - was getting lost quite often as she settled into her new hometown. She found herself spending just as much time trying to find the grocery store as doing the actual shopping. So when I headed home for Thanksgiving, I gave her a quick lesson on how easy it is to find directions online using Google Maps.
With millions of people travelling across county and state lines for the holidays, my mom probably isn’t the only one who could use a quick tutorial on how to get simple, easy to understand, and accurate turn-by-turn directions.
That’s why a bunch of Googlers got together to create a website - TeachParentsTech.org - that enables kids to send basic how-to videos to mom, dad, or even grandma. Check out this video in which I show just how easy it is to get from Point A to Point B with the help of Google Maps.
To see more videos, or to send someone a tech support care package of your own, make sure to visit TeachParentsTech.org.
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