Following the royal wedding in 2011, the eyes of the world will again be on London as we celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. As part of her Jubilee celebrations, The Queen will take part in a procession along some of London’s most famous landmarks. We’ve created a 3D aerial view video of the procession route, providing a virtual tour of the landmarks that The Queen will pass.
The procession starts with a view of New Palace Yard, leading up through Whitehall, past the Cenotaph war memorial, a focal point for Remembrance Sunday. It then moves on to pass Downing Street, home of the British Prime Minister and around Trafalgar Square. The route then goes through Admiralty Arch before heading up the Mall and ending at Buckingham Palace.
The summer of 2012 is set to draw in millions of visitors to the UK. With this massive influx of people unfamiliar with the area, many would need to find their bearings. Both Google Earth and Google Maps can help people to plan their trips and learn about the places they are visiting, whether they’re on a mobile or a desktop computer. In addition to the Diamond Jubilee procession route, you can view thousands of buildings, landmarks and areas across London with the 3D buildings feature in Google Earth.
To explore London landmarks in Google Earth, check the 3D buildings box in the left-hand panel under “Layers,” then type “London” in the search bar on the top left and use the navigation controls in the upper right to zoom in, spin around and tilt the view. Alternatively, you can go to Earth View on Google Maps in your browser.
Whether you’re hoping to catch a real glimpse of The Queen celebrating 60 years on the throne from one of London’s vantage points, or you’re viewing this on a television, we know that seeing the procession route in 3D will bring the Diamond Jubilee to life.
This video and further information about the Diamond Jubilee is available on the official website.
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